Army Chaplains

Bishop Yemba was born in South Sudan, a country full of violence, fear and hate from decades of civil war. His faith has become so well-known he was invited by the highest levels of government and military; The First Vice President, The Speaker of Parliament, and the Minister of Defense, to teach faith and forgiveness through Jesus Christ with their blessing and authority. These leaders realize this is the only path to reunification and peace.

Holy Spirit

Bishop Yemba’s belief is that peace can only come through the power of the Holy Spirit with faith-based trauma healing and the reconciliation that comes with it. Through his high-level support from so many influential officials to date only Yemba has been called for such a miraculous impact.

The Only Voice

Juba Police

South Sudan has endured 40 years of tribal based civil war. There is no answer from the world…. divine intervention and change of heart are the only answer. Bishop Yemba is currently the only voice that all sides have expressed an interest to engage. As he himself has been saved from hate, fear, and pain through faith in Jesus, Yemba is determined to use his influence to speak to the hearts of his countrymen, many of whom are unreached, to share his joy and peace, all for the glory of God.

Members of Parliament

One Defense Force

In 2021 Yemba received an invitation directly from the First Vice President of South Sudan, Riek Machar, to conduct trauma healing classes with pastors from the various armies. The goal was to create a network of support groups preparing for the integration of all the warring units into one cohesive South Sudan Defense Force. The lack of military integration as a key obstacle to the fruition of a permanent peace. This past November Yemba received a similar request from the Speaker of Parliament and has conducted training with various Members of Parliament (MP).


The JILM Mission and Vision is all about personal faith and peace. Yemba’s focus is so evident and his impact so obvious that South Sudan leaders are adamant about having his help for peace in the entire country. His trauma healing process is winning peace by transforming hearts with the gospel of Jesus, one military, one government, one person at a time. It is imperative for him to go to South Sudan more often.

Operation Plan

Yemba’s operation plan is to coordinate the military, Juba (South Sudan Capitol) police force, government entities, and pastors into the overall peace process.

Initiative: Three one-month trips annually.

  • Two five-day trauma healing training leadership courses for military/police force. RESULT: Sixty faith-based healing groups.
  • Two two-day reconciliation leadership conferences with the three-party Parliament members. RESULT: Majority unite in forgiveness and reconciliation.
  • A three-day pastoral leadership course for one hundred pastors/deacons from various South Sudan communities. RESULT: One hundred prayer groups.
  • A two-day revival conference for two hundred members invited from various churches throughout South Sudan. RESULT: Renewed Spirit and Leadership

The Mission

Into this situation, God has inserted Michael Yemba with a mission of reconciliation, forgiveness, and unity, through Jesus Christ, with emphasis on eliminating the different standing armies and militias, each with their own generals and each reporting to a different Vice President, which is an inherently unstable situation.


Yemba has connections and very active support at the highest levels of government. He returns to South Sudan whenever resources (donations) are available at the direct invitation of top-level officials to conduct and continue the OPERATION PLAN of reconciliation and forgiveness training for the armies and their chaplains, the South Sudanese police force, members of government and fellow pastors.